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  2009 BingZhi Forum
Daniel H. Janzen [ 2009-05-04 ]
Daniel Janzen (born 1939 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.) is an evolutionary ecologist, naturalist, and conservationist and the son of a previous Director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service. He divides his time between his professorship in biology at the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, USA), where he has been since 1976, and his research and field work in Costa Rica, where he is an ad honorem (without remuneration) technical advisor for two long-term and long-range projects, which he conceived and initiated in the early 1970s: Area de Conservación Guanacaste, probably the oldest, ...
Daniel J. Klionsky [ 2009-05-12 ]
The cells of higher organisms have an internal mechanism for chewing up and recycling parts of themselves, particularly in times of stress, like starvation and disease. This process of internal house-cleaning in the cell is called autophagy---literally self-eating---and it is now considered the second form of programmed cell death (PCD). Autophagy, self-eating at the cellular level, is implicated in many aspects of human physiology and disease. The process involves the formation of a double-membrane vesicle (shown in blue) that sequesters cytosol and organelles (red oblong). Upon completion...
Alfried P. Vogler [ 2009-05-26 ]
Dr Vogler is Professor of Molecular Systematics at Imperial College London and the Natural History Museum, since 1995. He leads a research group studying the molecular phylogenetics of insects with focus on Coleoptera (beetles). Dr Vogler is Associate Editor for five international journals, and currently sits on grant review boards in the UK, Norway and Germany.Great progress has been made to assemble the Tree-of-Life using molecular systematics, but will we ever have a phylogenetic hypothesis that includes all species on Earth? Species-level trees are extremely powerful to study evolutiona...
Steve Wilson [ 2009-08-05 ]
Dr. Steve is a professor of developmental genetics and the Vice-Dean for Research in the Faculty of Life Sciences at University College, London (UCL). UCL Fish Facility was established in 1998 and they have published 130 zebrafish papers since then, in Nature, Nature Genetics, Neuron, Current Biology, Developmental Biology, etc. Dr. Steve is the editor of the famous scientific journal development from 2006.Although superficially symmetrical, the vertebrate brain exhibits many functional asymmetries. In this report we will discuss our progress in studying the signalling pathways that influen...
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