Invited Talk: Epigenetic Regulation of Stem Cell Pluripotency & Tumorigenesis by Polycomb Proteins
Speaker: Xiaohua Shen, Ph.D., School of Medicine, Tsinghua University
Time: 9:00 am, September, 29th, 2010
Place: Institute of Zoology, Building B, Room 517
Contact: Chunsheng Han, Ph.D., SKLRB
Tel: 64807105, Email:
Selected Publications:
1. Shen X, Kim W, Fujiwara Y, Simon MD, Liu Y, Mysliwiec MR, Yuan G, Lee Y, Orkin SH. Jumonji modulates Polycomb activity and self-renewal versus differentiation of stem cells. Cell 2009; 139(7): 1303-1314.
2. Shen X, Orkin SH. Glimpses of the epigenetic landscape. Cell Stem Cell 2009; 4(1): 1-2.
3. Shen X, Liu Y, Hsu Y, Fujiwara Y, Kim J, Mao X, Yuan G, and Orkin SH. EZH1 mediates methylation on histone H3 lysine 27 and complements EZH2 in maintaining stem cell identity and executing pluripotency. Mol Cell 2008; 32(4):491-502.
4. Kim J, Chu J, Shen X, Wang J, Orkin SH. An extended transcriptional network for pluripotency of embryonic stem cells. Cell 2008; 132(6): 1049-61.
5. Wang J, Rao S, Chu J, Shen X, Levasseur DN, Theunissen TW, Orkin SH. A protein interaction network for pluripotency of embryonic stem cells. Nature 2006; 444(7117):364-8.