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Name: |
PENG Yaojin
Subject: |
Biotechnology Law, Intellectual Property Law |
Tel/Fax: |
E-mail: |
yaojin.peng@ioz.ac.cn |
Address: |
State Key Laboratory of Stem Cell and Reproductive Biology, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Siences, 1 Beichen West Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100101, P.R.China |
More: |
Resume: |
Dr. Yaojin Peng, Zhiyi Professor, Institute of Zoology (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing Institute of Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine (BISCRM); Director of the Centre for Ethics of Science and Technology (CEST). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in life science and a Master’s degree in Law. He finished his PhD at the Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, the Netherlands. Dr. Peng’s research focuses on biotechnology law and bioethics, intellectual property rights (patents) and standards, science and technology policy and management. He currently is a member of the expert committee of China Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Collaborative Innovation Platform; Deputy Secretary General of the Academic committee of the Center for Science & Technology Development and Governance, Tsinghua University; a member of the Standard Working Group of Chinese Society for Stem Cell Research (CSSCR); He used to be a fellow member of the Ius Commune Research School, researcher of the Institute for Globalization and International Regulation (IGIR), Maastricht University, team advisor of the 17th Congress of the European Intellectual Property Institutes Network (EIPIN). He visited the School of Law, Singapore Management University (SMU) for six months. He has chaired or participated in many projects. He is the reviewer of several journals and funding projects, such as Cell Stem Cell, Journal of Medical Ethics, Health Care Analysis, etc., and Research Foundation–Flanders (FWO), European Science Foundation (ESF). In 2021, he was selected into the “Youth Innovation Promotion Association of the Chinese Academy of Sciences”, and had the honour to win the Awards of “Advanced Individual for Stem Cell Social Welfare” of the CSSCR. |
Research Interests: |
Cross-cutting issues of bioethics and law, patent issues, and governance of these issues, as well as standardization in the field of life science, such as stem cell research and regenerative medicine, gene editing, synthetic biology, brain-computer interface, etc.
Biomedical Law and Ethics (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Aut, Win). |
Selected Publications: |
- Lulu Ding, Zhenyu Xiao, Xia Gong,Yaojin Peng*, Knowledge Graphs of Ethical Concerns of Cerebral Organoids, Cell Proliferation, 2022 (IF 6.831, SCI) (accepted)
- Yaojin Peng*, Jianwei Lv, Zhenyu Xiao, Lulu Ding, Qi Zhou*, A framework for the responsible reform of the 14-day rule in human embryo research, Protein & Cell, published online: 15 Feb. 2022. (IF 14.870, SCI)
- Jiani Cao, Jie Hao, Lei Wang, Yuanqing Tan, Yuchang Tian, Shiyu Li, Aijin Ma, Boqiang Fu, Jianwu Dai, Peijun Zhai, Peng Xiang, Yong Zhang, Tao Cheng*, Yaojin Peng*, Qi Zhou*, Tongbiao Zhao*. Developing standards to support the clinical translation of stem cells, STEM CELLS Transl Med. 2021; 10(S2): S85- S95. (IF: 6.940, SCI)
- Miao Yu, Wei Lei, Jiani Cao, Lei Wang, Aijin Ma, Zhen-Ao Zhao, Huang-Tian Yang, Zhenya Shen, Feng Lan, Feng Cao, Ping Liang, Xuetao Pei, Andy Peng Xiang, Junying Yu, Yu Zhang, Yong Zhang, Qiyuan Li, Jiaxi Zhou, Jun Wei, Yaojin Peng, Huanxin Zhu, Lingmin Liang, Nan Cao, Boqiang Fu*, Jie Hao*, Tongbiao Zhao*, Shijun Hu*. Requirements for human cardiomyocytes. Cell Prolif. 2021; 00:e13150. (IF 6.831, SCI)
- Yaojin Peng*, Xiaoru Huang, Qi Zhou*, Ethical and Policy Considerations for Human Embryo and Stem Cell Research in China, Cell Stem Cell, 2020, 27(4). (IF 20.860, SCI)
- Jianwei Lv#, Yeyang Su#, Lingqiao Song, Xia Gong, Yaojin Peng*, Stem cell ‘therapy’ advertisements in China: infodemic, regulations and recommendations, Cell Proliferation, 2020, 53(12). (IF 6.831, SCI)
- Yaojin Peng*, Patenting Human Embryonic Stem Cell Related Inventions in China: A Comparative Perspective, PhD thesis (Faculty of Law, Maastricht University, Netherlands, September 2018)
- Yaojin Peng*, The Patentability of Human Embryonic Stem Cell Technology in China, Nature Biotechnology, 2016, 34(1). DOI:10.1038/nbt.3417. (IF 43.113, SCI)
- Yaojin Peng*, The Morality and Ethics Governing CRISPR-Cas9 Patents in China, Nature Biotechnology, 2016, 34(6). DOI:10.1038/nbt.3590. (IF 43.113, SCI)
- Yaojin Peng*, Patent Term Extension in the Pharmaceutical Sector: An Asian Comparative Perspective, in The Future of Asian Trade Deals and IP (Kung-Chung Liu ed., Hart Publishing, forthcoming in 2019).
- Yaojin Peng, UW-Google Intermediary Liability Research Project: Privacy Protection in China, available at https://www.law.uw.edu/media/1404/china-intermediary-liability-of-isps-privacy.pdf.
- Nguyen Xuan-Thao, Trademark apologetic justice: China’s trademark jurisprudence on reputational harm. in Foreign scholars on Chinese law series: intellectual property law (translated into Chinese by Yaojin Peng*), in Intellectual Property Law of China, Encyclopedia of China Publishing House, 2018).
- Yaojin Peng*,Jianwei Lv,The challenges and solutions of the 14-day rule in human embryo research(人类胚胎研究“14天规则”的挑战与出路), Journal of Dialectics of Nature《自然辩证法通讯》, 2022 (accepted) (CSSCI) (in Chinese)
- Yaojin Peng, Qi Zhou*,China’s Strategies for Governance of Biotechnological Changes and New Ethical Challenges(应对生物技术变革与伦理新挑战的中国方略), Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences(中国科学院院刊), 2021,36(11):1288-1297. (CSCD,中文核心)(in Chinese)
- Yaojin Peng*, The Era of Synthetic Biology: Biosafety, Biosecurity and Governance(合成生物学时代:生物安全、生物安保与治理),Journal of International Security Studies(国际安全研究),2020, 38(5): 29-57.(CSSCI)(in Chinese)
- Yaojin Peng*, Li Wei, Ethical issues and the governance of life science and technology: A case study on human-animal chimeras(生命科技伦理问题与治理策略——以人-动物嵌合体研究为例), Science & Technology Review(科技导报),2020, 38(5): 42-49.(中文核心)(in Chinese)
- Qi Zhou*, Yaojin Peng, The Era of Biotechnology and Biosafety(这是生物技术的时代,也是生物安全的时代), Journal of Engineering Studies(工程研究——跨学科视野中的工程),2020, 12(1).(CSCD,中文核心)(in Chinese)
- Yaojin Peng*,Designer baby: How to face it(“设计婴儿”:我们将怎样面对), Frontier Science(前沿科学), 2019(3): 93-96. (in Chinese)
- Yaojin Peng*, Intellectual Property Protection Concerning Stem Cell Research in China: Predicament and Solutions(中国干细胞知识产权保护的困境与对策), Chinese Bulletin of Life Science(生命科学), 2016, 28(8).(CSCD、北大核心)(in Chinese)
- Yaojin Peng*, Employees’ Invention Compensation Regime in the Netherlands and Its Enlightenment to China(荷兰职务发明奖酬制度及其借鉴意义), Journal of Fujian Jiangxia University(福建夏学院学报), 2017, 7(4): 29-38. (in Chinese)
- Yong Wan, Jie Wang, Tianxiang He, Yaojin Peng, Zijiao Cheng, The Protection of Privacy in China(中国的隐私保护), Journal of Shantou University (汕头大学学报), 2017, 33(11) . (in Chinese)