中文Group of Avian Ecology |  IOZ

Swenson, J.E., Sun Y.-H. & Liu N.F. (1996): A potential method for age determination of the Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi. J. Ornithol. 137: 255-258.

Klaus, S., Scherzinger, W. & Sun Yue-Hua (1996): Behaviour and ecology of the Chinese Hazel Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi Przewalski 1876. Ornithol. Beobachter, Switzerland.

孙悦华(1996)斑尾榛鸡冬季生态研究。动物学报 42(suppl.):96-100。

Klaus, S., Scherzinger, W. & Sun, Y.-H (1998): Territorial and courtship behaviour of Chinese Grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi). J. Ornithol. 139: 185-186.

Sun, Y.-H. et al. (1999): A preliminary study of the effects of habitat isolation and fragmentation on the Chinese Grouse at Lianhuashan Mts. WPA Annual Review (1998/99): 42-48.


Larsson, J. K., Y.H. Sun, Y. Fang, G. Segelbacher & J. Höglund J. 2003 Microsatellite variation in a Chinese grouse population: signs of genetic impoverishment? Wildlife Biology 9 (4): 261-266. (SCI)

Sun, Y. H. (2000) Distribution and status of the Chinese Grouse. Wildl. Biol. 6: 275-279.


Klaus, S., P. Selsam, Y.-H. Sun & Y. Fang (2001) Habitat mapping from SPOT images as tool for the conservation of Endangered Species – Chinese Grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) as an example. Naturschutz und Landschaftsplanung 33 (9): 281-285.

孙悦华、方昀、Siegfried Klaus、贾陈喜、郑光美(2002)自动温度记录技术在斑尾榛鸡孵卵节律研究中的应用。北京师范大学学报(自然科学版)38(2):260-265。

Sun Y.-H. , Y. Fang, Swenson J., Klaus S. & Zheng G. M. (2005) Morphometrics of the Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi. J. Ornithol. 146: 24-26.

季婷,贾陈喜,蒋迎昕,孙悦华(2005)莲花山斑尾榛鸡春季栖息地选择. 动物学杂志 40(1):49-53.

Yoshiyuki Baba, Klaus Siegfried, Yuzo Fujimaki and Sun Yue-Hua 2002 Molecular phylogeny and population history of the Chinese grouse and the hazel grouse. The 9th International Grouse Symposium, Beijing. p44.

Sun Yue-hua, Siegfried Klaus, Fang Yun, P. Selsam, Jia Chen-xi 2002 Effects of habitat fragmentation on the distribution and status of the Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi at Lianhuashan Mountains, Gansu, China. Proceedings of the 23rd International Ornithological Congress, Beijing. p41. (Abstract, 第23届国际鸟类学大会,北京)

Sun, Y. H., S. Klaus & W. Scherzinger (2001) Size of territories and movements of Chinese Grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China. 134. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen- Gesellschaft in Schwyz, Switzerland. Page 121.(Abstract, 德国鸟类学第134届年会,瑞士)

Yue-Hua Sun, Yun Fang, Siegfried Klaus, Chenxi Jia and Wolfgang Scherzinger 2002 Egg laying and incubation rhythm of the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi): Adaptation to energy stress? The 9th International Grouse Symposium, Beijing. p22.

Fang Yun, Jiang Ying-Xin, Sun Yue-Hua 2002 Feeding behavior of the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) on the fruits of the mountain ash (Sorbus koehneana) trees at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China. The 9th International Grouse Symposium, Beijing. p17.

Scherzinger, W. Klaus S., Y.H. Sun & Y. Fang (2006) Ethological and accoustical characters of the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi), compared with sibling hazel grouse (B. bonasia) and ruffed grouse (B. umbellus). Acta Zoological Sinica 52 (supplement): 293-297.

Sun Y.-H., Klaus S., Y. Fang, Selsam P., C.-X. Jia (2006) Habitat isolation and fragmentation of the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) at Lianhuashan Mountains, Gansu, China. Acta Zoological Sinica 52 (supplement): 202-204.

Sun Y.-H., Y. Fang, C.-X. Jia, S. Klaus, J. Swenson & W. Scherzinger (2007) Nest site selection of Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China. Wildl. Biol. 13 (Sup. 1): 68-72. (SCI)

Sun Y.H. (1997) Winter flocking behaviour of the Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi. Wildlife Biology 3(3/4): 290.(Abstract, 第七届国际松鸡科研讨会,美国,1996)

Fang Y. & Sun Y.H. (1997) Capturing techniques for the Chinese grouse. Wildlife Biology 3(3/4): 287.(Abstract, 第七届国际松鸡科研讨会,美国,1996)

Fang, Y. & Sun Y.H. (1998) Winter social behaviour of the Chinese grouse. Ostrich.

Sun Y.H. (1998) Mating system of the Chinese grouse Bonasa sewerzowi. Ostrich. (Abstract, 第22届国际鸟类学大会,南非)

孙悦华、方昀、贾陈喜 莲花山区景观水平上斑尾榛鸡栖息地及生存现状的初步研究 中国鸟类学研究中国林业出版社,北京。2000 128~134.

Klaus, S., Y.-H. Sun, Y. Fang & W. Scherzinger (2006) Überlebenskampf im Bergwald. Forschung (Das Magazin der DFG) 2: 10-13. (德国自然基金会会刊)

Siegfried Klaus, Sun Yue-hua and Fang Yun 2002 Autumn territoriality and movements of the Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi in the Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, Gansu, China. Proceedings of the 23rd International Ornithological Congress, Beijing. p229. (Abstract, 第23届国际鸟类学大会,北京)

Sun Y. H., Y. Fang, S. Klaus & C.-X Jia (2006) Incubation rhythm of the Chinese Grouse at Lianhuashan in Gansu Province, China. J. Ornithol. 147 (5) suppl: 259. (Abstract)

Sun Y. H, Fang Y, Jia CX, et al. 2007 Nest Site Selection of Chinese Grouse Bonasa Sewerzowi at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China. Wildlife Biology, 13 (suppl 1):68-72.

Sun Y. H., Swenson, J., Fang Y. et al. (2003) Population ecology of Chinese grouse, Bonasa sewerzowi, in a fragmented landscape. Biological Conservation 110: 177-184.

Klaus S., Sun Y.-H., Fang Y. & Scherzinger W. (2009) Autumn territoriality of Chinese Grouse Bonasa sewerzowi at Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, Gansu, China. International Journal of Galliformes Conservation 1:44–48

Klaus S., Scherzinger W., Sun Y.-H., Swenson J., Wang J. & Fang Y. (2009) Das Chinahaselhuhn Tetrastes sewerzowi – Akrobat im Weidengebüsch. Limicola 23(1): 1-57.

Wang J, Yang C, Lu N, Fang Y, Sun Y-H* (2010) Diet of Chinese Grouse (Tetrastes sewerzowi) during Preincubation. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122(1): 177-180. (SCI)

Jia C-X, Sun Y-H and J Swenson 2010 unusual incubation behavior and embryonic tolerance of hypothermia by the blood pheasant (ithaginis cruentus). auk 127(4): pp.

Jia Chen-xi and Sun Yue-hua 2002 Nest attendance in female Blood Pheasant. Proceedings of the 23rd International Ornithological Congress, Beijing. p238. (Abstract, 第23届国际鸟类学大会,北京)

Jia Chenxi, Sun Yuehua and Fang Yun 2002 Occurrence of blood pheasant Ithaginis cruentus in relation to habitat fragmentation in southern Gansu, China. In: Maureen Woodburn and Philip McGowan (eds). Galliformes 2000: Proceedings of the 7nd International Galliformes Symposium. pp 86-90.


贾陈喜、孙悦华、王丽 2002 血雉的产卵时间和产卵间隔动物学研究 23(6):467-470.


孙悦华,贾陈喜,方昀,郑光美 2005 甘肃莲花山蓝马鸡孵卵节律的初步研究动物学杂志 40(4): 29-33.

孙悦华, W. Scherzinger, 刘廼发, S. Klaus, 方昀 (2001) 四川林鸮在甘肃的新分布. 动物学报 47(4): 473-475.

孙悦华,方昀,W. Scherzinger,S. Klaus(2004)甘肃省莲花山鬼鸮繁殖巢址记述。动物学杂志39(6):99-100。


方昀,孙悦华*,Wolfgang Scherzinger (2007) 甘肃莲花山四川林鸮初步生态观察。动物学杂志42(2):146-147。

Scherzinger, W. & Y. Fang (2006) Field observations of the Sichuan Wood Owl Strix davidi in western China. Acrocephalus 27 (128-129): 215-224.

Fang Y., Y. Gu, Y.-H. Sun, S.H. Tang (2006) Vocalization, breeding ecology and diet of an endemic form of the Boreal Owl in Lianhuashan, China. J. Ornithol. 147 (5) suppl: 164. (Abstract)

Scherzinger W. & Yun F. Y.H. Sun. (2007) The Sichuan Wood Owl Strix uralensis davidi from the mountain forests of China/Tibet – no longer a ‘phantom’. J. of Netherlands ornithologists. ARDEA 97(4), 648.

Yun Fang, Song-Hua Tang, Yuan Gu, Yue-Hua Sun.(2007) Conservation of Tengmalm’s Owl and Sichuan Wood Owl in Lianhuashan Mountain, Gansu, China. J. of Netherlands ornithologists. ARDEA 97(4) 649.

Siegfried Klaus, Rainer Ploner, Yue-hua Sun and Yun Fang (2003) The Chestnut-throated Partridge ( Tetraophasis obscurus) in the Lianhuashan Nature Reserve, Gansu, China: Ecological obserbations and taxonomic questions J. Ornithol. 144, 197-200

Bi, ZL, Gu, Y, Jia, CX et al. 2003 Nests, eggs, and nestling behavior of the  snowy-cheeked laughingthrush (Garrulax sukatschewi) at Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, Gansu, China. WILSON BULL 115 (4): 474-477.

Jia C.x, Y-H. Sun, Z. Wang (2006) Hypothermic tolerance in the egg of the Slaty-blue Flycatcher. J. Ornithol. 147 (5) suppl: 189. (Abstract) 

贾陈喜、孙悦华、毕中霖 2005 白腹短翅鸲雄鸟的羽毛延迟成熟现象动物学杂志 40(2): 1-5.

贾陈喜、王众、孙悦华 2008 灰蓝姬鹟暂时弃卵的低温耐受性 动物学杂志 43(2):127 ~ 129.

毕中霖、孙悦华、蒋迎昕、贾陈喜 2009 甘肃莲花山淡眉柳莺的繁殖记录及其孵卵行为动物学杂志 44(4):14-18.

孙悦华,毕中霖, 贾陈喜,方昀,王丽,刘秀生(2002)莲花山甘肃柳莺(Phylloscopus kansuensis)的声谱分析和繁殖记录. 动物学杂志 37 (5): 62-65

蒋迎昕、毕中霖、孙悦华 (2002) 莲花山栗背岩鹨繁殖生态的初步观察。四川动物。

贾陈喜、王众、孙悦华(2003)甘肃莲花山自然保护区灰头灰雀的繁殖资料。四川动物 22(3): 170.

贾陈喜、孙悦华、毕中霖 2003 中国柳莺属分类现状动物分类学报 28(2): 202-209.

毕中霖,蒋迎昕,孙悦华(2003)甘肃发现一例白化暗绿柳莺。四川动物 22(1):43。

蒋迎昕,孙悦华,毕中霖,宋江宁(2003)甘肃莲花山自然保护区栗背岩鹨的繁殖记录和孵卵节律。四川动物 22(2):91-92。(通讯作者)


贾陈喜、王众、孙悦华 2003 灰蓝姬鹟的孵卵节律四川动物 22(4): 238-240.

刘秀生、孙悦华、宋江宁、贾陈喜、方昀 2003 甘肃莲花山宝兴歌鸫的繁殖记录四川动物22(4):235-237.

王众、贾陈喜、孙悦华(2004)中杜鹃寄生繁殖及雏鸟生长一例。动物学杂志 39(1): 103-105.

Bi, Zh.L., Y. Gu, Ch.X. Jia, Y.X. Jiang & Y.H. Sun* 2003 Nests, eggs, and nestling behavior of the Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush (Garrulax sukatschewi) at Lianhuashan Natural Reserve, Gansu, China. The Wilson Bulletin 115 (4): 118-121.




Jia C. X. & Sun Y.H. (2008) Nests, eggs and incubation behavior of Grey-headed Bullfinch (Pyrrhula erythaca). The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120 (4): 875-879. (SCI)

Wang J, Jia C-X,Tang S-H,Fang Y, Sun Y-H. 2010 Nests and Breeding of the Giant Laughingthrush (Garrulax maximus) at Lianhuashan, Southern Gansu, China. Wislson Journal of Ornithology 122(2):388–391.

Bi Zhong-Lin, Sun Yue-hua, Jia Chen-xi, Fang Yun and Wang Li 2002 The incubation behaviour of the Hume’s warbler Phyulloscopus humei mandelli at Lianhuashan, Gansu, China. Proceedings of the 23rd International Ornithological Congress, Beijing. p227. (Abstract, 第23届国际鸟类学大会,北京)

Group of Avian Ecology, Key Laboratory of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology, CAS